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International Fellowship of Orders of Chivalry


Sir Edward:

I got an email from one of the members of Chivalry Now talking about the idea of setting up an International Fellowship, that would consist of autonomous Orders, affiliated or allied with Chivalry Now. One of the main organizers for this concept has started to successfully create an Order of Chivalry in South Africa.

I've been participating in the forum over there a bit, since they have some good discussions about Chivalry for modern times, and it goes beyond the Victorian view of courtliness and courtesy.

Anyway, I was just curious what everyone might think about such ideas. For those of us based in the DC-area, there's no local knightly/chivalric orders nearby that I'm aware of, with the nearest being Selohaar to the north, and the Fiat Lux order a similar distance to the south.

Though ironically, some of the people who see us walking around at the renfaire think we have some sort of official group going on. :)

Sir Matthew:
I think this is an interesting idea, although I am a bit far away for anything organizing in the DC area.  I think there really is an unofficial unity between all of armor wearing types.  Earlier this season when I ventured down to MdRF I encountered some armored gentles enjoying their lunch and when I approached them I began with a sorry to interrupt your lunch but... and they countered with a well we were wondering if you would come over here or we would have to come over to you after lunch because you know either way we were going to meet, which gave us all a bit of a chuckle.

Sir Edward:

That sounds about right. :) I've noticed that too; it's like we're all in the same club.

Sir James (Fiat Lux):
You know, the Fiat Lux is always looking to found new chapters, especially if there are already groups of people in a localized area looking for something like that.  8)

It's an interesting idea, though - getting chivalric orders networked together could do quite a lot to further the causes of all.

Sir Edward:

That's good to keep in mind too. If there's enough interested folks, chapters could be opened.


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