Main > The Armoury

New Toys

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Sir Edward:

I can throw it in the car, but I'm not going to wear it. I think it'll be a good piece to start building a later 14th kit around at some point. I'll have to think about how to make it play nicely with my glasses, or just wait til I get laser surgery or something. :)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-09-20, 13:34:00 ---... or just wait til I get laser surgery or something. :)
--- End quote ---

Just make sure they change the setting of the laser from vaporize bulldozer to delicate !  :D

Sir Edward:

lol!! Nice Dave Berry reference. :)

Sir Edward:
I took a bunch of pics until the battery ran out. :)

Albion Crecy:

A&A Hungarian Axe:

A&A Gothic Mace:

I also got some better pics of a couple other swords:

Das Bill:
I must admit, that bascinet is much nicer looking than I expected. I'm tempted.


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