Main > The Round Table

Bad Parents!

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Sir William:
Sir Nathan, that's good, I wasn't advocating that you should, only that it could've turned out that way, had you been older, more cynical and perhaps more inclined toward the litigous route like a lot of people.  LOL

Hmmm, I dont know, had I been more cynical, I might still have not made a lawsuit out of sheer amusement.......
and I don't think going toward a more litigious route would be the chivalric thing to do here, the poor guy probably didn't know what he was doing.  ;D

Sir William:
Well, chivalry and litigation will hardly ever go hand in hand, at least not in the context of today's society.  No, I think you did what was best in the end...he had a lesson he'll not soon forget and you were the one to teach it to him.  That will probably gall him worse than anything else...that a perceived youngster should be the deliverer of said message- one he should already have known for himself but perhaps forgotten.

You don't mess with a man in armor.  It really is that simple.  :)

Very true. Some of the laws these day completely boggle me!
Ha, if anyone gave him a lesson, it was Allan from MercTailor, he was the one who made the breastplate so frikkin tough.  :D

Ha, I think that line, "You don't mess with a man in armor.  It really is that simple.   :)" needs to be made into a T shirt. Or a surcoat, (and a jupon and tabard variety for the late period knights) so we can wear that with our armour. Keep the smiley too. Gives it character.

Sir William:
T-shirt?  That'll work for me.  lol


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