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Bad Parents!

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Sir William:
Well said, Sir Edward...I agree.

Well here I come with the gamewinner of drunk stories! (I believe I've already told Sir Ed and possibly Sir Brian about this one...)
I was wearing my cuirass for costume day at my high school ( which basically morphed into "lets see who can hit 16g steel the hardest" day) and I was walking to a sheetz, when a drunk comes out of the bar which I was walking by. The man walks up to me, and makes a slurred comment about stupid armour (oh how I love the irony!) and proceeds to give me a full power punch on the medial ridge. His hand actually breaks (my parents are doctors, I could recognize that anywhere) and he then looks at it, and begins to yell in his painful discovery about the effectiveness of plate. The man, yelling all the while, then stumbles into a back alley. I just continued on my way, and never saw the enlightened chap again.

Sir Edward:

Hah, stupid drunk indeed! Wow, it never ceases to amaze me just how stupid some people can get. My feeling is that they already have to be stupid before the alcohol, and that the drinking simply amplified it. It almost makes you feel sorry for them when they hurt themselves like that. Almost. :)

Sir William:
Almost, but not quite.  He had that coming...he just assaulted that young man, which would he prefer?  Charges or a broken hand?  He chose the broken hand...probably a better outcome than he deserved.  Love it, nonetheless, thanks for sharing, Sir Nathan.

No problem, I was wondering weather or not it was applicable to a thread mostly about children, but I figured that (if going by maturity levels) it would be quite on topic.....
And Sir Ed, I would have to agree with you on your theory, since high school seems to be the perfect experiment for it...
The geniuses in high school go about landing punches on the plate like I'm Harry Houdini! And they're (mostly) sober!
I think in that environment, where there are few inhibitions to the stupidity, it makes itself known at all times, But as these people are forced to pretend that they are responsible adults, the stupid learns to hide. However, alcohol brings back the glory days I'm afraid.....

And that is in fact true Paladin, I didn't think about that! He technically did assault me! Well it wasn't very successful, he learned his lesson (hopefully, if not he at least won't be physically able to do that again for a few months....), and I don't know who in Gods name he was, so I'm not gonna make a legal stink  :D 


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