Main > The Round Table

Sir Barchan's fall


Sir Brian:
I was talking with Sir Barchan on Sunday and he told me of the youtube video showing him getting
unhorsed at the jousting tournament at Estes Park, CO last year. He described it to me and I had to
find it and see for myself! He is one tough and well seasoned knight! Sir Barchan told me he had
several straps break on his harness from that fall. The knight in the second fall was nearly
unconscious after his fall and looked very wobbly after being helped to his feet!


Huzzah Sir Barchan!

Sir Wolf:
 :o :o

both are truly hard falls indeed.

Sir Edward:

Wow, yeah he told me about it too, but I forgot to go looking. I said "yeah, that figures, you fall and someone is right there with a camera!"  :)   Glad he was OK!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
I must admit you would never catch me doing that.The guys who do the jousting must be as mad as a box of frogs  ;D
On of our most well known tilters died, whilst filming a Time Team documentary about the round table, when a splinter off the lance went through his occular and pearced his brain through his eye.  :o
Glad they were both OK.

Sir Edward:
I forgot to reply here. I had heard about the fatality that happened a few years ago. They say it's the first jousting death in several centuries. The thought that sprang into my mind of course, is that it's a historically accurate way to go. :)

I'm glad that such fatalities are rare, but clearly there are many dangers when jousting. Broken bones are common, of course.

Sir Barchan mentioned the fall again to us this weekend. He said he broke 7 straps in that fall, but otherwise the armor absorbed most of it.


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