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What makes a knight?

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Sir Justin - well penned.

Mike W.:
"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius

Joshua Santana:
What makes a Knight?  When the man steps down to help his fellow man with word of wisdom or hand of help, when a man stands by and guards his honor, integrity, character in spite of ridicule and verbal slander, when a man uses his fighting skill to protect his loved one(s) and those that are deprived of help, when a man chooses loyalty and follows through by his commitment, when a man who keeps a sharp mind as just as he keeps a sharp sword, what makes one a Knight is the actions that affirm the belief of Chivalry in the man.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2016-04-19, 02:26:48 ---What makes a Knight?  When the man steps down to help his fellow man with word of wisdom or hand of help, when a man stands by and guards his honor, integrity, character in spite of ridicule and verbal slander, when a man uses his fighting skill to protect his loved one(s) and those that are deprived of help, when a man chooses loyalty and follows through by his commitment, when a man who keeps a sharp mind as just as he keeps a sharp sword, what makes one a Knight is the actions that affirm the belief of Chivalry in the man.

--- End quote ---
Well said.


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