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Chivalry in the modern world


Sir Edward:

Interesting thread on the Armour Archive:

I added my $0.02 there. :) Here's what I said, in case you don't want to read the thread:

Obviously knighthood doesn't exist int he context that it did originally, as it existed through a combination of societal structure and available technologies of warfare, etc. But what started out initially as a warrior's ethos still contains values that are timeless and essential to modern society as well, as you've all touched on. Seeking to uphold truth and honesty, justice, defense of others, honor, dignity, generosity, loyalty, personal responsibility, courage to do what is right rather than what is expedient, safe, or easy, and to do all of these things particularly when no one else is watching.

People may have consciously forgotten Chivalry by name, but deep in our hearts, we all silently know these traits to be right and good. To me Modern Chivalry is about re-awakening the desire to uphold these traits in our day to day lives, to teach others by example, and lead the best lives that we can.


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