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Pirate vs. Knight

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Sir William:
Samurai vs Knight would've made a lot more sense to me personally, as they both personify the pinnacle of medieval/renaissance warfare (longbowmen notwithstanding of course).  I know I'm biased but I fully believe that the Knight would've emerged victorious, as he should've against the Pirate.  What ludicrous nonsense; an unarmored lightly armed vagabond sailor can take down a fully armed and armored knight, trained vigorously for years in cavalry and foot warfare?  I KNOW not.  If I were that knight, I would've charged him straight on before he had a chance to load, light or fire the damned thing and skewered him with my spear.

The Deadliest Warrior is pure entertainment disguised as a learning medium; that is its greatest sin- that people will come away believing that BS.  They did get some of them right, like the SWAT vs GSG9 episode for starters...

Sir Ulrich:
What rubbish TV is always dumbed down for the masses. Almost reminds me of this,
Thats butted mail and they're passing it off as the real thing when real mail could deflect both stabs and slashes. Proves books and whatnot are the only real way of learning about the medieval age.

Sir Edward:

Heh, yeah. Just because it looks like armor, doesn't mean it is armor. We need a new term I think... ALO: Armor-Like Object. :)

It's interesting that they never stopped to think: If the armor was that useless, why would you wear all that weight? Not only did they use butted mail, but they also hung it with no backing. The cushioning of the gambeson and the body underneath it also helps to disperse the energy, protecting both the wearer and the armor itself. The more removed it is from its actual use, the less valuable the test.

Sir William:
Much like the Windlass test where they lay the maille over a block of wood and chop down on it with a sword.  Still, it moves merchandise, no?  That video looked like a bunch of guys just out messin around- you could tell they'd done no study whatsoever of the weapons they were using for their test.

Sir Edward:

Well I finally got around to watching this, and I have to agree with everything we already said about it. The show wasn't as bad as I expected, but boy do they dumb it down for the masses. It's really a shame, because they could have used the time to make it even more informative and still not lose the excitement. Instead, a lot of the show boiled down to:

"Pirates suck!"

"No, knights suck!"

They mentioned, and then completely ignored the level of martial arts training that a knight had. They put a huge emphasis on gunpowder-- while not entirely misplaced, these are also one-shot weapons that are unreliable, and can't be used at a moment's notice due to needing lit match-cord (at least for the grenades, and possibly the guns if they were match-locks, which were very common during the relevant period before flintlocks took off).

The simulation itself I bet is nothing but a bunch of random numbers generated against a bunch of made up probabilities based on their assessment of those weapon tests. Completely useless.

It was certainly entertaining, but as usual, the results have to be taken with a grain of salt.


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