Main > The Round Table

Should have been smarter

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Yeah, I'm turning 40 this Friday and the grays are a reminder of increasing age. As they say though: your only as young as you feel and as long as I keep active I feel pretty good. Being sedentary makes me feel like I'm 90 though.

I got hit with the tip of a sword and if it was just a half inch or so higher it would have gotten the eyeball. A black eye I can deal with as I've been hurt worse but a damaged eye is something entirely different.

Sir Nate:
Glad you are okay, and it is a good reminder. Thank you for sharing, Happy Holidays!

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: jason77 on 2017-01-03, 21:56:24 ---... I got hit with the tip of a sword and if it was just a half inch or so higher it would have gotten the eyeball. A black eye I can deal with as I've been hurt worse but a damaged eye is something entirely different.
--- End quote ---

Considering the circumstances, this was a good outcome!   :)

Get well, wear your gear, and keep hitting friends with sticks, steel and other pointy things!

Lord Dane:
Glad you are ok. And no need for reminding those of us already over 40 with gray .. Thank you. :)

Coming into the gray club is not a big deal as for as I'm concerned as I am coming into good company.


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