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Improving my faire kit

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Sir Wolf:
well go teh hauberk sleeves sewn up. now I notice I don't like the arm pit in the right side.. sigh. also realized I need to add about 2 solid inches to the wrist line (WILL IT EVER END)  so glad I didn't tailor a riveted hauberk, what a pain in the back

on a good note I found my old deerskin black gauntlets in case I don't get the mittens done by faire.
My shield is on its way according to UPS and the wife said I could order my black and grey linen next pay check :)

Sir Edward:

Awesome. :) Yeah, the mail never ends, or so it seems. And then, one day you're done, and it's magnificent. :)

Believe it or not, my aluminum hauberk still isn't done. I started that in 2000!!!! At least it was wearable in time for your wedding back then, but I really do need to sit down and finish it out. I need a few more inches at the bottom, and I need to add some triangular expansions on the sides at the bottom so it doesn't pull the split apart in the middle so much, and rim the splits and bottom edge in steel... then I think I'll finally be done.

I already rimmed the neck opening in steel a few years ago, which has gone a long way it keeping it in one piece.

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2009-06-01, 10:02:36 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2009-05-30, 13:44:10 ---woah thats awesome Sir Brian! my humble thank yous would not even be enough for such a gift.

thanks for the surcoat thoughts.  the 5.3 weight is what I usually use for all of my linen needs. I was thinking of using the Surger around the edges and seams since linen has that fun way of unraveling hehehe.

my helmet dates from 1275 to 1300 AD so thats the range I think I may shoot for. so I think I really need to get moving on finishing the sleeves/mittens for my hauberk and then putting mail on my legs.... who wants to have a mail making party? hehehehe.

I also need to make a decent heater.  I just hope I can get that bloody curve right at the bottom.

the more I look at brass rubbing's the more it looks like the waist belt is really small (could be a rope belt even) and the sword belt is wide.... guess I gotta make one of those too.  any issues with the cut down, epoxied blades at the MDRF yet?

--- End quote ---

You are quite welcome to the spurs. Just drop me a personal message with your shipping address and
I'll get them in the mail for you. Good choice on the shield! I regretfully cannot offer you the the same
as I did for Sir Ed and get it painted for you because I have not had the access to the same resources
as I did then, nor does it look like I will anytime soon.   :(

As for a goat crest you could go with just the goat horns (then you'd be horny as a goat!)  :D
All puns aside that is a plausible alternative to representing a charge, i.e. having just a portion of the
charge represented.

As for the stencils you may have to go the way of Sir Ed and fabricate your own. His turned out most

As near as I can tell with MDRF and the cut and epoxied blades...they are still allowed. The security
may closely scrutinize you but I've found that they consider my and Ed's harnesses to be so fetching
that they loath to despoil the affect they have by denying us the whole ensemble.  ;)

--- End quote ---

WOWOWOWOW Sir Brian these spurs are great. that and I can't believe that the post office says they shipped on the 1st and here today is the 2nd and I have them. these will make a great asset to my kit!  I don't drink but I'll buy you a beer/ale/mead etc at faire my friend!

Sir Wolf:
took a break on my hauberk to work on some chausses. i found some galv riveted mail that I am gonna sew up wit some butted links and then de galv once their together. heres to hoping it turns out ok

Sir Matthew:
While all you guys are working on armor, this off season I have been concentrating on the accessories.  I have some finishing touches to put on a costume "sword" made of a wooden scabbard I am covering in leather to look real and a pommel with an approximately 2 inch aluminum blade that will be epoxied into the "scabbard".  This will look very much like a broad sword.  I sewed a Snapsack, which is essentially a period version of a dufflebag and is what soldiers used to carry their personal belongings in up even until the American Civil War.  And I am now going to attempt to make a set of bone dice from instructions I have found from another reenactors page.  He is a Roman era reenactor, but from what I have found bone dice changed very little from antiquity until the rennaissance.  I'm finding that the more I am at Faire, it is the smaller, more mundane things that make a person's persona "real".


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