Main > The Armoury


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Sir Vander Linde:
Well I haven't been on here in ages, life always gets in the way.   Got a lot to read through.

but I figured I'd share a project I'm going to start here now that I have done several test pieces. An that is a jack of plates. My plates are a bit smaller than originals, and I have made several different types to see how they play off each other, after sharing my work on FB a good friend took and sent me some of his photos and X-rays of several jack-of-plates not all released to the public yet. so now I'm working from those and the results are much better, (picture is from the first test piece with dished plates flat no over lap, good for collar area). with any luck I will have the jack and an eyelet vest finished before I assemble the kit I'm making from Gladiatoria MS. kind of a hold over for that so I don't walk around in unfinished kit from some period or another.

anyway hope this is of some interest.  ;D

A jack-of-plate is one of those things I've wanted to make for a while. Thought it would be a cool thing to wear to a HEMA Tourney, especially for a backsword one.

Sir Rodney:

I can't wait to see the final results.  :)

Lord Dane:
I can't wait to hit the final results!! :)  ;D

Sir Nate:
Jack of Plates?


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