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Cleaving a helm with a longsword, on film! (Sword of Lancelot)

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That helmet cleave is like the Macenjewski Bible & Fist of the North Star together.

Sir Martyn:
I can't find that shove move in my Ringen resources...

What have I been throwing mortshlags this whole time for? Now I can just hack at your helms!

Joshua Santana:
Lol, might be possible with a Two Hander, but with a Longsword, Mortschlag will do just fine for me.\

On the other hand, why not ring the bell of a helmet and see what happens.  :P 

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2016-04-12, 19:58:05 ---What have I been throwing mortshlags this whole time for? Now I can just hack at your helms!

--- End quote ---

Does that leave fewer dents, or more? :D


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