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Knight Banner



Greetings! I hope you all are well and preparing for the holidays. I was curious if anyone knew of a good manufacturer of high-quality Knight Banners, similar to that which would have been sported by a Knight Banneret. recently made a surcoat for my 13th century Knight harness, which was absolutely excellent, but as of today, all of their email addresses are bouncing back. Your thoughts and ideas are most appreciated.

Here are two reputable folks that do dyed silk banners:


Many of us own banners from the second link. 

One nice touch that Bern's Banners does that Windy Valley doesn't do, is the banners are held on the stave with a silk sleeve.  Windy Valley's banners just tie on to the stave.  Historical depictions usually show the sleeve method.

Sir James A:
Interesting, didn't know about the historical sleeve vs tied.

Definitely would recommend Windy Valley. I have one of her banners, and you can request any design you want.

Sir William:
I like the idea of a sleeve as well; would make it easier to keep it on the pole.  I have a Windy Valley one as well...I rather like it.


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