Main > The Armoury

A Sword Maker to add to the Links Page

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Sir Brian:
I think SaberSmith should be added to the links page.  :)

They've been at GARF for a couple of years now. I have always been impressed with
their work and the balance of their much so I broke down and bought one
this past weekend. Mine has a different wrapping and pommel from the one in this link.  ;)

I'm actually surprised that Sir Edward doesn't have them listed there already.
And that is truly a nice blade you've picked up, Sir Brian. If only the grip were
a little beefier....still have a nice heft and feel to it though! :)

Sir Edward:

Excellent, I've added it to the list. I've never handled any of their work, so I'd be curious to see the overall "look and feel".

Sir Brian:
I'll bring it to VARF on either the weekend of the 23rd or the 30th...I can't go to VARF next weekend
because of the Maryland fairy festival... ???

Not a word my friends! Not a single word!  :-X

Sir Wolf:
ya... u go for your wife right? riiiiiiiiiight... so whats YOUR costume look like?


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