Main > The Round Table

600th Anniversary of Agincourt

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Went and saw The Last Witch Hunter.

Sir William:
Thorsteinn, you should write a review of it in the Library.  I kind of want to see it.


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2015-10-28, 18:54:21 ---Thorsteinn, you should write a review of it in the Library.  I kind of want to see it.

--- End quote ---

I'm going to wait a bit more as I don't want to get anyone with spoilers. My wife has a theory about the main character that would blow a major portion of the plot.

Remember that it is based on an AD&D PC of Vin's.

Went to MD Ren Faire Drank beer and worked on my Medieval Historical fiction story. Nothing to anniversary as I was at faire all day but I've been reading a little of my Agincourt book and looking at amazing pics of Henry V.

God for England Harry and St. George!!


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