Main > The Armoury

Weapon Fusion

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If you could fuse two medieval weapons, what would they be, and what would you call your creation? It doesn't have to be practical either, this is just for funsies. I would fuse a broadsword with a small crossbow. I feel like that would make for a nasty sneak attack while engaged in close combat.

Mike W.:
I'd combine an axe with a spear and a war hammer.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Mike W. on 2015-10-20, 17:10:00 ---I'd combine an axe with a spear and a war hammer.

--- End quote ---

That's ridiculous. It would never work. ;)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Mike W. on 2015-10-20, 17:10:00 ---I'd combine an axe with a spear and a war hammer.

--- End quote ---

I think somebody already beat you to that, uhh, 5 centuries ago. But good idea! ;)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Mike W. on 2015-10-20, 17:10:00 ---I'd combine an axe with a spear and a war hammer.

--- End quote ---

Otherwise called a poleaxe.


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