Main > The Armoury

New 15 cent spurs....



  Just go ahead and drool over these beauties that our very own Sir Brian and his gracious
 Lady presented me with! The pics have a slight blur where the light was bouncing off of 'em!
  After a very difficult time, these were a most pleasant and extravagant surprise. I only hope
 I can live up to the ideals that we are all trying to keep alive...
 Many thanks to you and your wonderful Lady, Sir Brian!!! ;D


Sir Brian:
Nay Sir those spurs are but mere tokens of the great esteem and affection we regard both you
And your lady. We are the ones who are truly blessed to have such very dear friends! And let me
Assure you that you most definitely live up to the ideals of knighthood!  ;D

Sir Edward:

Very nice!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Very fine my good man  ;)


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