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The Effect of Medieval Weapons On the Human Body

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Sir Patrick:
Came across this while researching some period stuff. Uses real modern-day ER visit photos to demonstrate the wounds encountered on a medieval battlefield. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!  You've been warned...

Thank you for my daily dose of evisceration! :) 

Sir Patrick:
The side-by-side shot of the guy with the ruptured intestines and the period art depicting the same thing was a nice touch.

Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of the article in Spada 2 called The Medical Realities of Historic Combat.

Not to derail the thread, but one thing I encounter a lot by modern people is the notion that historical combat with hand-to-hand weapons resulted in more horrific wound patterns than modern weapons.   If anything, modern combat is demonstrably more lethal than historical combat, and the weapons are capable of producing far more horrific wounds because of the nature of high velocity terminal ballistics and explosives.  Romantic isn't the right word for it necessarily, but I think that notion of historical combat being more vicious or bloody falls into the same realm as some of the romantically inspired misconceptions of archaic warfare.  Just something to think about :)


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