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Bohemond Boots

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Sir Patrick:
Anyone have any experience with Bohemond Boots?  The ankle boots Sir Ian suggested over at Viking Leathercrafts for DoK have been out of stock for months (the owner said he should have some in in time, but I'm getting a bit nervous). Anyway, I'm eyeing these:

Sir Patrick:
Or, has anyone ordered from Garb the World?

Sir Douglas:
Well I don't know about their boots, but I have ordered from Bohemond in the past and that process was quick and painless, and the item I ordered (a knife) arrived fairly quickly. I guess that's not really much help, though. :-\

It looks like the Bohemond shoes are proper turn shoes whereas the Garb ones are the hob-nailed type like the Viking Leathercraft ones.

I've bought all the medieval shoes and boots I own from Bohemond (7 pairs I think) , and they have good quality and consistency. Nice experience for midrange medieval footwear IMO.

Certain models of their turnshoes have hardened leather slip-and-slide soles.  The patterns are ok, but I was not pleased with the overall product in the particular model I purchased.  They were like walking on ice because the soles had been either treated with something or compressed to harden them, and the result is an ice-skate without the ice.  They are what drove me to learn to make shoes.  I've  no experience with that model specifically and cannot comment on the soles they have on them.


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