Miscellaneous > The Market Square

Anyone buy from this Custom Maille site?



It's in the sig of the fella called Jestyr on the Armor Archive.


Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2015-08-17, 22:00:46 ---http://www.customchainmail.com/

It's in the sig of the fella called Jestyr on the Armor Archive.

--- End quote ---

I purchased his long aventail (mild steel, 9mm, alternating ring, oiled finish) a while ago.  The transaction was seamless and I was very satisfied with the product, especially considering the relatively low price (he was running a sale at the time as well).  Two armoured thumbs up!   :)


--- Quote from: Ian on 2015-08-17, 22:52:51 ---http://modernchivalry.org/forum/index.php/topic,3309.0.html

--- End quote ---

I knew it looked familiar for some reason.

Sir William:
Jestyr's got a good thing going; if you can't be bothered to go straight to the supplier and take a chance, he's the guy you want to go to for maille, hands down.  No one else is doing what he's doing as the middle man, not Ice Falcon or anyone else.


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