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A non historic half kit (WIP)

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Fenrir the Frostborn:
This is my half plate kit in 16ga, purely non historic. the shoulders are huge, im going to have to remove one of the lower plates  :P
I dont have a gambeson, boots, or some sort of pants yet but im working on it.

the helm im getting is:

Can anyone suggest a good set of sabatons/gauntlets that are in a "satin" finish?

Sir James A:
Kult of Athena has some decent gauntlets for about $120 shipped. There is a GDFB set of Churburg gauntlets that are so-so in quality for around $100 too.

Sabatons are somewhat hard to find. Mad Matt makes a pair for $160, a few Ukraine guys do too but you'll have to deal with international customs.

Sir Rodney:
First, let me say Welcome Fenrir!   :)

I’ve reviewed my Illusion Armoring sabatons here:

Illusion Armoring Sabatons, a mini-review

They don’t have the subtle shaping you’d want for a historically accurate kit, but they’re relatively inexpensive.  Be prepared to wait though…

Fenrir the Frostborn:
My set is from Kiev, Ukraine. The shipping was terrible as it had to travel out of the then uprising in Ukraine and over to North America, and ultimately through Canada and into New York. It then sat in customs for a month. Why? cause 'merica.

Cult of Athena has some of the better looking gauntlets ive seen, thank you for recommending them.

Those sabatons you linked me are a work of art.

Thank you sirs.

I seem to have been wearing my gorget wrong this whole time. Ive had it over my breast/backplates with my pauldrons attached to it, and because of that, ive had a lot less functionality from them. My Gorget isn't traditionally shaped though, and im not sure as to how well it will seat under my other armor.

Lord Dane:
Try here for good gear.


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