Main > The Armoury

Thoughts on a new suit of armor

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Sir Hancz:
 :DSo I'm looking to buy my first full set of armor. I don't plan on wearing this armor, I just plan on using it as a decorative piece. What do you gentlemen/ladies think about this? :)

Allan Senefelder:
If you poke around more on the interwebs you'll find places selling the same Indian made suit for a good deal less like Kult Of Athena

That 'armor' should be melted down and sold for scrap.  :)

Sir William:
Now, now Sir Ian- he did say it was for decorative purposes only.  Not that I disagree.  ;)

Not to be a downer but I hate Medeivalcollectibles.

All they have given me is disappointment  :'(


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