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Help with a crusader Knight set

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Well with the good info in Sir William's post and Baron de Magnan's list they certainly gave you a great starting point for Third Crusade.

Mike W.:
This kit is dated to 1244 (Sixth Crusade) though, it's not much different from a Third Crusade kit (1189-1192).

1244 mounted knight, Siege of Jerusalem

1 Gonfanon – a banner that was used after the Norman conquest and displayed on the end of a spear or flag pole
2 Kettle helmet - broad brimmed with lots of ventilation and good visibility
3 Helmet with a curved face plate, which came into use after the Siege of Antioch, which took place during the First Crusade in 1097 and 1098
4 Sword belt
5 Shield with a flat top
6 Necklace
7 White cloth with a snip for cutting small items, a leather box of needles and a roll of thread fire steel a flint and tinder for starting a fire
8 Wooden bowl and cup, ceramic cup and a wooden spoon
9 Knife and sheaf for cutting food. There were no forks in this time period – people used spoons to eat soup or porridge, and a knife to eat meat
10 Water bottle made of leather and soaked in pitch
11 Script bag
12 Leather boots– finished just below the calf with the laces wrapped around boots
13 Gauntlet – leather gloves
14 Linen Shirt
15 Socks – made using the technique nålebinding, where long lengths of wool are woven into long thin braids, starting at toe
16 Battle dress – red tunic worn next to the body; linen canvus padded jacket, chaine maille and blue and yellow surcoat
17 Belt – made using the technique of tablet weaving, a very archaic form of weaving
18 Rosary beads
19 Belt
20 Woollen cloak shaped like semi circle - waterproof and wind proof and used for travelling
21 Glaive - a new invention for the time, the weapon was originally made from a broken sword with a new piece of wood welded on
22 Sword
23 Dagger
24 Crescent-shaped axe
25 Flanged mace
26 Thigh-length, sleeveless leather vest, which buckled down back and had metal plates inside. This was top of the range body armour for the period
28 Maille to cover the legs and linen covering that went to the mid thigh - in this time period trousers don’t yet exist so the pieces of material covering the leg and groin are two different pieces
27 Straps to attach maille legs

Sir Nate:
This is a transitional Late 12th- mid 13th century Helmet. (GDFB)

 a Kettle Helm. (GDFB)

Here is allbestuff mail

You will also want to be sure to buy a coif with a Ventail. It is the mail flap on the coif. (Wether it's use is to protect the mouth or more so the chin, I am not sure)

Intergrated or non intergrated mail like Sir William said, is discussed. Though intergrated mail I "Think" Is much more common for 12th and 13th centuries.

The Albion Hospitaller, Is acceptable for 12th to mid 13th century.
While the albion Templar blade is mid to late 13th.
The Ritter next to the Albion Hospitaller is 12th.

On a Note for All best stuff mail, you can request some size changes on the hauberks and for the sleeves to Taper on the hauberks. Nitin is very easy to work with.
Clothing at the time was wool or linen. I've heard that linen is much more common in the middle east, but I have no source to back that up.

In kingdom of heaven....(cough) ;)

The first Coat of plates aren't seen until mid 13th.

Like sir William said there is some Debate as well on padding. We know they had it by mid 13th century due to the Morgan picture bible.

Realistically, you can scroll through google images looking at different pictures from it or buy modern reproductions of the book for kit help.

More on the debate of padding.
Some historians argue that they had padding underneath as far back as 1066 since their argument is that the cuff or cloth poking out from beneath the hauberk is a padded gambeson.

There are no findings of a padded gambeson before 13th century.

Mail chausses
Aren't in common use until mid 12th, and then they only covered the front of the legs. By the 13th century they covered the front and back.
Leg armor in the 13th century one can see can have The Chausses, then padding over the chausses with a knee pad called cuisses. that covered a bit past the knee. Then Steel half greaves/Demi greas/Early greaves or just shin plates came around mid 13th. century.  Although Gerald of wales mentions the use of greaves in the 12th century.

Sir William:
Baron, I've never seen a 13th C panoply laid out like that before- thank you for posting!  It is right smack in the era I'm looking to portray this year.  I doubt I'll be able to collect it all, but I'll get a good bit of it.  That early coat of plates, that's period?  Exciting if so.

Sir Nate:
William Coat of plates appear by mid 12th.

Here William at 9:00  Mike Loades says the effigy dates to the 1230's


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