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Did the Anglo Saxons have knights?

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So I know the Anglo Saxons were mostly tribes and they did have a class system, but did they have knights in that time period before they got conquered by the Normans?

From my understanding Saxon society was based off the Scandinavian hierarchical model, so  think Jarls and Huscarls etc...

Sir Wolf:
i have some books on teh subject but am not at my library to look into the subject.

they are not knights per say more like land holders. anglo saxons and northmen were more freeman society then even us today in a democracy. land holders were supposed to have men who worked for them that were expected to fight when brought to the table etc.

Sir Patrick:
It's my understanding they were more like land owners who fought as opposed to a dedicated military class (except for the king and earls' huscarls).  Check out the book 1066. It's a great resource on the period.

Sir William:
The Anglo-Saxons didn't participate in warfare on horseback- I believe they would ride to a battle site and then dismount.  As Sir Patrick suggests, that book is an excellent resource for the period.


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