Main > The Round Table

It was great to meet members at DOK!

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Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: scott2978 on 2014-10-16, 05:46:26 ---I'm very curious. It's been ages since I've done any living history and DOK feels kinda intimidating. What exactly was it like?

--- End quote ---

I was a bit intimidated, too, as I had never done any kind of living history at all. But once I got there and started seeing how it all worked, I felt very at ease. If you've done LH stuff before, then you'd probably have no problem with DoK. Like Sir James said, it's a bit on the "living history light" side. Not to say that it's a total free-for-all, but it's not super strict either.

Sir Humphrey:

[/quote] Also as a correction, "Page" is the introductory rank, with a minimum of 90 days before advancing to Yeoman.

Sir Edward, I stand corrected.  A Page I shall be.



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