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It was great to meet members at DOK!

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Sir Humphrey:
DOK was a great experiance.  I was pleased to be able to meet members of the order for the first time this year and to get reacquainted with those I met last year.  Thanks for your friendship. 

Doug David and Ian LaSpina have graciously agreed to sponser me for yoeman membership in the order.  Where do I go from here to officially apply? 

Sir Humphrey (Mark Hubbs)

I'm very curious. It's been ages since I've done any living history and DOK feels kinda intimidating. What exactly was it like?

Mark it was great to see you again this year. You don't need to do anything with regards to order membership. The necessary discussion is already talking place and being voted on.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Humphrey on 2014-10-16, 03:17:10 ---Doug David and Ian LaSpina have graciously agreed to sponser me for yoeman membership in the order.  Where do I go from here to officially apply? 

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--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-10-16, 11:39:59 ---Mark it was great to see you again this year. You don't need to do anything with regards to order membership. The necessary discussion is already talking place and being voted on.

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Also as a correction, "Page" is the introductory rank, with a minimum of 90 days before advancing to Yeoman.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: scott2978 on 2014-10-16, 05:46:26 ---I'm very curious. It's been ages since I've done any living history and DOK feels kinda intimidating. What exactly was it like?

--- End quote ---

It's somewhat "living history light", as the best description I've heard. Make your best effort, but everyone has things they want to improve on, and I'd say 90% have some kind of modern shame that they hide. Your kit would, in my opinion, be very appropriate for such an event.


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