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Fuhlen Designs closing

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Sir Edward:

I was saddened to hear that Jess is closing up shop, but I can completely understand why. When health reasons get involved, sometimes it's just best to slow down and return it to a hobby instead of a business.

I got permission from her to share the email:

--- Quote ---Hello!

If you are receiving this email it is because you have current orders with Fühlen Designs or are in the queue for an upcoming order.

I wanted to let you be the first to know that I will be closing down most operations of Fühlen Designs effective immediately.  As some of you may know, and most likely don't, I have Multiple Sclerosis.  I was diagnosed with it in 2008 and have enjoyed a very long period where I was very minimally effected on a day-to-day basis.  Unfortunately, it is a progressive disease and I have reached the point where I do not feel comfortable that I am able to make all of my commitments in a timely manner.  As you *all* know, the queue ran much slower than you might have expected.  This is not an easy decision, but it is the right one for my family and my own health and well being.

From time to time, I may still make items for friends or long-time customers so you might see my Facebook continue to update, but I intend only to take on high-end items that are without a deadline. 

What does this mean to you?  Well, you are going to be one of the last people to get a production item from Fühlen Designs.  I want to close the business ethically and that means fulfilling my promises to the best of my ability.  So you will be able to still get your item from me, if you wish.  If you would prefer to cancel now and go with another vendor, I would completely understand and not be offended in any way.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.

Thank you so much for your time and understanding.


--- End quote ---

Yes, she published something similar on Facebook yesterday evening.  Sad indeed.  I hope she's able to continue doing what she loves, even if at a reduced capacity.

Sir Edward:

She still wants to complete the orders I placed, but just on a non-deadline basis. I told her that's fine, there was no rush.

And she was filling a very unique niche, in that she was one of the few who really understood arming garments and gambesons. Sad to see her needing to stop or slow down.

Sir James A:
Oh wow, that is sad. :( I hope she can make the best of it. I think I saw her at Shortpoint? I had no idea.

Sir Brian:
Truly I am both saddened and immensely awed by her courage and determination! I have a coworker that has suffered with MS for many years and lament that such a wonderful and beautiful person like Jessica will have to endure the ravages of this cruel disease.  :'(


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