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Scabbard for an Albion Poitiers for wear with a Plaque Belt

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Sir James A:
Let me rephrase my earlier statement. A "lower or middle tier knight", rather than "class". Poor choice of words on my part. I mean one of the less wealthy knights, yet still in the wealthy group; one with enough financial status to be a "knight" but not a "super knight" with all the "blinged out" gear and top-shelf everything. A guy who can pay for his horse and armor, but doesn't have the money for gold plating, etching and the intricate details. My squire might be using my old sword instead of his own custom made brand new sword, etc.

I had no idea there's actually an established income level to determine knightly status. That's a cool fact, thanks. :)

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-09-30, 18:08:27 ---I simply can't afford to do a 14th century knight correctly.

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^ that's what really throws me off with all this. Do you think that with your harness, Albions, and the other very high quality gear, that you wouldn't be a knight in period? Because I can't fathom every knight in period having better stuff than yours. Some, yes, but that was their career and they could sink their income into it; it's a hobby for us. I just can't imagine all knights having better everything than yours. I mean I completely understand not having the money for hiring squires, horses, and your own retinue of people; as far as a Living History portrayal, I'm lost on why you say you can't afford to do it correctly?

And it's not just me who thinks you are near the top of the hobby. You've seen the comments from the DoK folks. We're all over here drooling on our keyboards in jealousy, as Sir Wolf so eloquently stated ;).

I think you're ignoring one of my key points.  The most important being that I'm talking about an overall impression, not just arms and armor.  You're getting overly focused on martial kit.  A knight should have fineries in his soft kit that I can't afford to buy.  Even my very full wool gown with angel wing sleeves is definitely a gentleman's cut, but it's still the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to the wealthiest stratum of society.  Gold jewelry, gold buttons, precious stones, fine silks, brocades... these are the things a knight adorns himself with in his soft kit.  I wear silver buttons, fine wools, no stones, no brocades, modest jewelry.

Buying $70-90 / yard silk brocades, gold jewelry, way nicer shoes than I can make and precious stones to wear is  not in the cards on my budget.

So perhaps because it's almost impossible to know, I may qualify at the lowest tier of of the knight bachelor level of aristocracy, but I'm not entirely convinced.  It seems like it's very important to you that my kit be knightly in level. ;)  So yes I will concede that my armor may be knightly in it's quality, but the rest of my impression falls short.

Here's a knightly soft kit, courtesy of Christian Cameron:

Sir James A:
Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore the soft kit aspect, it didn't even occur to me since you were in harness back at DoK 2012. The first thing I picture in my head with "knight" status is the armor, weapons, and horse. I'll certainly concede the soft kit aspect, no disagreement on that. Soft kit is a whole other set of items I rarely think about, since I rarely wear mine unless it's a renn fest or non-public hours at DoK :)

And back to the topic that I derailed... that's just an awesome scabbard and the enameled panels at the top are nice and cohesive with the plaque belt. Very cool.

Thank you, Jeff did a great job matching my plaque belt just from photographs!

No worries about the derailment.  I derailed it myself.  That was a more interesting discussion than looking at pictures of a scabbard anyway :)

Let me just say that I don't plan on giving up, I will slowly but surely keep chipping away at improving what I can as funding, time, and skill allows.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-10-01, 21:44:40 ---Let me just say that I don't plan on giving up, I will slowly but surely keep chipping away at improving what I can as funding, time, and skill allows.

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And here's where there is an enormous benefit to picking one specific point in time, and building up all of the accessories around that one impression.

I'm way too scattered, and too broad in my interests, to pull off something like this. It really makes me appreciate it all that much more to see folks like yourself, and Christian Cameron and others, doing such amazingly detailed and historically minded (and well rounded) impressions.


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