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The Non-Martial Artist: Pacifist or Man-Without-Choice?

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William, Aiden the first line of the quote reads "How easy is it for a man who cannot fight to choose the peaceful solution?" and thus expounds on from there. The quote says that only the Fighter can choose Peace. Everyone else is sentenced to it.

Ian also has the right of it. His knowing how to pilot & fight with a helicopter to bring harm to the enemy is a martial art.

Paulus von Zurich:
One may not be gifted with the talents or skills required for physical combat but still may be able to pull a trigger or push a button. To often we think of "martial arts" as being hand to hand. Finding ones path where your talents and skills reside is sometimes an easily accomplished task while other times it is one of the most difficult.

Sir William:
Why can't he fight, was my question?  Is it because he lacks the skill, the knowledge or the desire?  Anyway, I get what you're after, but I have to tell you- the sheep don't need reminding.

I agree with the original post, anyone who cannot fight must not, not some choice made out of moral superiority. I believe that pacifism is selfish and a detriment to a person and society.  To not even consider fighting to defend one's loved ones, or to not aid someone when it's within one's power is an epitome of selfishness and carelessness.

Lord Dane:
Sit back and use the force.  ;D Why exert physical effort.


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