Main > The Round Table

Yay Feudalism

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Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-08-16, 01:28:23 ---My, what a ... Unique idea of how the feudal system worked. Must be why there was never any internal strife or peasant revolts ever eh?

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Cue LEGO Movie theme: "Everything is awesome! ..."

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-08-16, 00:40:24 ---Yes, a society in which leadership positions are based solely on being born to the right person always ensures the strongest and most qualified leaders are always at the top...  :)  Obviously there are lots of gems in there, but I found that one particularly amusing! Be careful, you may shatter his reason for being if he finds out the truth!

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Ooooooo I love bearing bad news to the right people who deserve to hear it in an over-bearing, arrogant (told-you-so) mannerism with sarcastic overtone. Let me do it!! Let me do it!! :)

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2014-08-16, 14:18:47 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-08-16, 00:40:24 ---Yes, a society in which leadership positions are based solely on being born to the right person always ensures the strongest and most qualified leaders are always at the top...  :)  Obviously there are lots of gems in there, but I found that one particularly amusing! Be careful, you may shatter his reason for being if he finds out the truth!

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Ooooooo I love bearing bad news to the right people who deserve to hear it in an over-bearing, arrogant (told-you-so) mannerism with sarcastic overtone. Let me do it!! Let me do it!! :)

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(Cough) king John I (cough!)

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-08-16, 01:30:26 ---
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-08-16, 01:28:23 ---My, what a ... Unique idea of how the feudal system worked. Must be why there was never any internal strife or peasant revolts ever eh?

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Nope, everyone was a happy independent contractor!

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Yep and at the end of the day, the lords come out and sing campfire songs with us!

Sir Rodney:
Rainbows & unicorns!

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Dear me, not overly religious? What history books is this guy reading? Must be "Medieval history for the unthinking optimist." I notice he glosses over poverty, serfdom, social requirements of the nobility, how women of all classes were property, how if you were a lesser lord and someone wanted your land they could just take it by force of arms, weak inbred royalty, and many other very interesting points that would have added a bit of spice to his otherwise ideal period of time.


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