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Yay Feudalism

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Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-08-19, 16:18:18 ---LOL

"It was a time of grace."

Where'd you find this guy?  He totally bought into the Hollywood romance.

--- End quote ---

Come now. How can you look at an image like this and NOT say the period was full of grace? So classy. ;)

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Squire Douglas on 2014-08-19, 21:30:36 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-08-19, 16:18:18 ---LOL

"It was a time of grace."

Where'd you find this guy?  He totally bought into the Hollywood romance.

--- End quote ---

Come now. How can you look at an image like this and NOT say the period was full of grace? So classy. ;)

--- End quote ---

Even in film, when have the kings of the realm ever been perfect rulers?

I get a couple of feelings reading this that I'd like to share with you all as friends and comrades.

This guy is just one of hundreds of millions of western people who think like him who don't have an easy source of truth available and lack the time or will to independantly research history, or who do and choose to believe what they want among what they learn. He's bought into some very common misconceptions, but he's not a fool for what he believes, and it's not right to speak of him like he is, whether he can hear it or not (and perhaps especially if he can't). We can do more or less to educate people but if we become elitists we are, at best, hurting the very cause we belong to. People readily pay attention to a professional appearance, and quickly dismiss those with unprofessional bearing, doing both regardless of veracity. It seems harmless enough to poke fun at a few people who believe seemingly crazy things, but it can never be allowed to become a habit or we risk damage to our reputation, and that of the order and what it stands for. I'm not perfect myself, and perhaps it's not my place to speak about other's conduct, but I just want to let you know how I feel and warn against falling into bad habits.

I got a different impression.  I thought his ideas of the Middle Ages are quite the opposite of what people commonly hold as misconceptions and stereotypes, he's just gone way too far in the other direction.  That being said, I understand your sentiment, but sometimes you just need to let your hair down from time to time and laugh about something.  Being too tight-laced 100% of the time can also be misconstrued as elitism.  Your warning about making such things a habit though is well-received and prudent advice.  But I don't think anyone crossed any lines in this thread.  Please believe me when I say the members of the Order tirelessly through demonstrations and living history events certainly do what they can to help educate the public.

It's kind of like being in the military.  Every day when I'm outside in uniform I have to represent my profession, but when I go home and I'm in private, I need to relax and take the uniform off.  This forum is kind of like our home.  Perhaps we should be more mindful that it is indeed a 'public' home though and shift such conversation to the private sections of the forum.

Sir Patrick:
Now that you've dug up the documentation, Squire Doug, does this mean we will now be seeing knights flogging their roosters at living history events? :o


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