Main > The Armoury


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Sir Wolf:
behold my offspring good Paulus lol ;)

Aiden of Oreland:
As German laugh at your French and English squabble. But I do lean to the English a tad bit more :)


--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-08-18, 14:32:45 ---
--- Quote from: Paulus von Zurich on 2014-08-18, 14:31:00 ---As soon as they are back in stock, I am ordering one to whack you with at Newville.

--- End quote ---

Trench clubs ftw!

--- End quote ---

TTTTTrench clubs... with a 'T'   

He said Newville, the WW1 reenactment.  Trench clubs were basically medieval maces carried in WW1 for the close quarters trench fighting. 

Sir Rodney:
Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who.

Eva de Carduus Weald:
In honor of my british family and adopted country, ahem, "Bloody frogs." :D


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