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A KSCA needs us. Please help Sir Brand McClellan.

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I hate to ask this, but a friend of mine in California just got some bad news and he needs our help. If you can great, if not that's OK too. I want to help him as he has been an inspiration for years. Jeff Galli, ska Count Sir Brand McClellan, is a member of Team USA that went to Spain for the International Medieval Combat Federation tournament and won gold in the Polearm division. Please help if you can. His sister lisa, ska Viscountess Sir Bryne McClellan has set up a paypal account for those who wish to donate money the paypal address in

As in the article he needs to go to Germany to get the surgery he needs as it is not offered in the USA.

"Earlier this month, after repeated neck problems, Brand sought medical attention for what had become chronic neck pain. After several doctor visits and an MRI scan, Brand was finally diagnosed with severe degenerative disk disease, calcification of the spine, and severe disk herniation compressing the spinal cord C5/6, C6/7. Brand was informed by his doctors that even the slightest trauma such as a minor car accident, fall, or a giant bear hug from his brother-in-law could lead to paralysis...."

West Kingdom Crown 2012 Duke Alden of Wolverton vs Viscount Brand McClellan

Sir Edward:

Wow, yeah, that can be serious stuff. My dad had the same thing, and the surgery was a complete success. He has a nice piece of titanium in there now.


--- Quote ---The hard search has paid off. Brand has been in communication with a senior neurosurgeon in Germany who has agreed to take his case. The surgeon has advised a multiple disc replacement, a procedure that has and is performed in Germany but is not done here in the US. The surgeon believes that this will not only help Brand with his current issues, but also fully believes that within three months this will all be a distant memory, not even feeling as if he every had surgery and continue his life as he wishes. Of course there are always those “what ifs,” but this was by far the greatest news we could get.
--- End quote ---

Sir Edward:
I'm surprised he can't get surgery here. Is it an insurance/payment issue? My dad had it done here in the DC area. They replaced his discs with bone material (I forget where from, maybe from his pelvis or something), bolted together with a titanium plate. Once the bone fragments fuse (3 or 4 vertebrae fused together), the titanium is no longer needed, but stays in since it's more invasive to remove it.

The surgery does not yet have FDA approval. Guess that means more medical tourism.


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