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GDFB gaunts
Sir Wolf:
just heard from Theron that these are the new ones. they are tabbed so you can sew any glove to them. pretty cool if you ask me.
Sir Brian:
WOW! The price is just a sexy as the gauntlets! :o
ohh must resist... ;)
Yep. And after doing mine, I think the tab idea at the side of the knuckle
is AWESOME!!!! ;D
Das Bill:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2009-03-06, 20:12:09 ---just heard from Theron that these are the new ones.
--- End quote ---
Did they redesign them? I've heard mixed reviews of them when they first came out. Generally people said they were pretty good, particularly for the price. I heard some issues about functionality if they were intended for WMA use, but most people also said they looked great for garb.
If I didn't already own a set of Lewis Moore hourglass gauntlets, I'd almost definetly purchase a pair of these. I hope they eventually sell the matching breastplate as a stand-alone item instead of a piece of the full harness.
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