Main > The Armoury

Persona detail question.

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Sir Matthew:
If your doing a lower class or common soldiers kit, there is far more leeway. I do Elizabethan to the end of the English Civil War, and there are plenty of period images depicting soldiers from that period using swords that are well out of date. More than one woodcut seems to show soldiers of the Thirty Years War carrying and using blades that would not have been out of place in the mid-14th century, though it is a pretty far stretch to think they are that old. More likely they were made within 50 years of the depicted event by a smith who was still using something that had been taught by his master who had been taught by his master who had been... Swords of this type would have been cheap and thus desireable to the cash strapped rulers issueing them to troops of often dubious training and loyalty. Of course, while this is specific to my period, it would have held true for earlier eras as well. This is one of the advantages to portraying the common soldier as opposed to the higher ranking officers and Knights  ;)

Sir Ulrich:
I use an 1100s period sword (the Albion Reeve) for my late 1200s outfit. But thats more plausible because the armor types used during those 2 periods were rather similar, as well as Germany having a tendency to hold onto older styles, I have seen brazil nut pommel swords dating to 1200s in Germany as well.


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