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Historical HEMA Tournaments and Deeds of Arms

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Yes, I meant more resilient.

I don't think anyone's asking you to do this.  I'm just trying to find out how it's done safely, because it is being done safely.  Once again, I'm not trying to convince anyone to try it, I just want to know the facts and evidence before making up my own mind, and not just accept thought experiments and bad thought statistics as proof of anything.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-06-06, 18:49:11 ---I'm still going to decline solely on the eye slots basis, but I do find the conversation interesting and useful to know about.
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Well if the welding of perforated steel mesh inside the visor oculars work and you all send me your visors so I could do the same for you all, then I could be *encouraged* to “accidentally” substitute a solid plate of steel over Sir Nathan’s visor oculars so he’d be like Luke Skywalker learning to use a light-saber the first time. ~ We could call it his handicap for his youthful vigor!  ;D

Once again I remind folks the purpose of this discussion is not to convince the Order to use steel weapons.  It is to question a faulty way of thinking.

The premise that 'steel is dangerous' is what I'm questioning here and want to know based on what actual evidence is that so, if it is so at all.

So far we've acknowledged cost, wear and damage to gear, and eyes.

Cost is definitely higher for a quality steel weapon over a waster.

Wear and tear is a factor for mild steel, and maybe spring steels (but we have no testing on the spring steel aspect)

Eyes is based solely on 'aahhhh scary, 1 in a million is still a chance!"  That's not evidence or statistics, it's literally superstition and hearsay.  How do we find out how dangerous it really is?  And we do know this could be mitigated with perf plate or slotted oculars.

So, right now for the added cost of steel weapons, and potentially upgraded armor with appropriate safety features (like perf plates or slotted oculars), it sounds like the physical evidence points to steel being safer than wood if you have the right stuff and are willing to spend the money.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-06, 19:03:32 ---So, right now for the added cost of steel weapons, and potentially upgraded armor with appropriate safety features (like perf plates or slotted oculars), it sounds like the physical evidence points to steel being safer than wood if you have the right stuff and are willing to spend the money.

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Yep, that right there.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-06-06, 19:09:33 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-06, 19:03:32 ---So, right now for the added cost of steel weapons, and potentially upgraded armor with appropriate safety features (like perf plates or slotted oculars), it sounds like the physical evidence points to steel being safer than wood if you have the right stuff and are willing to spend the money.

--- End quote ---

Yep, that right there.

--- End quote ---

While I've been one of the dissenting opinions, I'm agreed 100% on this too, possibly with the caveat of modified rule set.

I'll agree that I'm probably heavy on the superstition and hearsay of eye slot injuries since I just got my nose whopped. ;)

Actually, if we want to test durability of carbon steel armor vs steel swords, I know a guy with a carbon steel harness, if we can get him to come up and swing swords with us sometime. ;)


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