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Oof! Don't skimp on da hands!

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Here's a thread on the Armor Archive where a fell ask's about finger gauntlets. Look about half-way down.  :o :o :o

"Opinions on finger gauntlets for combat" on the Archive.

--- Quote ---Don't skimp on hand protection.
You don't want this, trust me.
You could have a very nice full suit of armour for the cost even at the Hong Kong rate I paid.
--- End quote ---

Aiden of Oreland:
OUCH!!! Now I know not to buy finger gauntlets  :o If there is one thing I have observed from medieval activities, your gonna hurt something eventually.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-05-10, 01:28:49 ---OUCH!!! Now I know not to buy finger gauntlets  :o If there is one thing I have observed from medieval activities, your gonna hurt something eventually.

--- End quote ---

A fracture of the metacarpals is bad and requires a long recovery time after orthopedic surgery. However the means by which the individual who posted that X-ray received that injury stated that he attempted to block with that hand and didn’t specify what type of hand protection he was wearing at the time. So whether mitten, bifurcated mittens or finger gauntlets, ensuring they have a good solid metacarpal plate will greatly increase your chances of not suffering a similar injury. Lest anyone forgets, the amount of control and safety consideration of your opponents is also part of the equation. Therefore don’t be too hung up on any particular style offering better protection over the other, i.e. mitten over fingered gauntlet. As each have their pros and cons. (btw I prefer finger gaunts) ;)

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-05-12, 16:58:49 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-05-10, 01:28:49 ---OUCH!!! Now I know not to buy finger gauntlets  :o If there is one thing I have observed from medieval activities, your gonna hurt something eventually.

--- End quote ---

A fracture of the metacarpals is bad and requires a long recovery time after orthopedic surgery. However the means by which the individual who posted that X-ray received that injury stated that he attempted to block with that hand and didn’t specify what type of hand protection he was wearing at the time. So whether mitten, bifurcated mittens or finger gauntlets, ensuring they have a good solid metacarpal plate will greatly increase your chances of not suffering a similar injury. Lest anyone forgets, the amount of control and safety consideration of your opponents is also part of the equation. Therefore don’t be too hung up on any particular style offering better protection over the other, i.e. mitten over fingered gauntlet. As each have their pros and cons. (btw I prefer finger gaunts) ;)

--- End quote ---

All very true. But I dont think I can really say which i prefer yet seeing how I never worn either, save, a fingered mail gauntlet.

Sir James A:
I'm not seeing where Tom B's injury was caused specifically by finger gauntlets


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