Main > The Round Table

She's a witch! Burn her!!!

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-03-27, 13:11:33 ---
You can always bypass college and become a programmer. :)

--- End quote ---

Yea, who needs the manual anyway?  ;)

Aiden of Oreland:
Is it sad that I'm part of a generation that should know everything about electronics and I can hardly figure out how to use a computer, save turning on and using the internet. In fact I even had trouble trying to run WoW...

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-27, 20:02:07 ---Is it sad that I'm part of a generation that should know everything about electronics and I can hardly figure out how to use a computer, save turning on and using the internet. In fact I even had trouble trying to run WoW...

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If it is sad, then I'm sad right along with you. For a while I could keep up with it, but anymore it just seems like it's advancing faster and faster and I'm just falling farther and farther behind. Shoot, I've only had the internet for about five years or so. :P

Mike W.:
I can keep up, but it's such things like coding, programming, and understanding the subtle workings of a computer that has me stumped

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-27, 21:45:53 ---I can keep up, but it's such things like coding, programming, and understanding the subtle workings of a computer that has me stumped

--- End quote ---

Its THE universal language, but one only few speak compared to the surplus population.

Some say we are coming to the singular age, but that frightens me a bit. As long as it can't create things I'll be fine. I am cool with AIs though.


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