Main > The Round Table

Medieval Trencher

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Sir Patrick:
+ 1. You're killing my buzz  :)

In the fare of several Eastern European countries, you'll find that bread bowls or trenchers are pretty common too. Bigos, for example, is very commonly eaten out of a "trencher".

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-04-04, 15:06:41 ---Lighten up people!

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-04-04, 16:23:55 ---+ 1. You're killing my buzz  :)

--- End quote ---

Sorry, just a bit of a digression there. :)

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-04-04, 15:06:41 ---Lighten up people! 

--- End quote ---
Thank you.

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-04-04, 12:57:30 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-04-04, 01:08:55 ---May I add that these things Nate are what colleges look for so be wary of what you say on the internet. If you noticed any statements I made in regard to this stuff I used a choice of words to evade such problems. Posts like these could ruin a college career.

--- End quote ---

Not just colleges, but employers too. It's scary in some sectors of the working world. Teachers have been fired for having party pictures on facebook that showed them drinking *something* from a plastic cup. Some companies ask people for their facebook passwords so they can more easily look through it. It's crazy.

So it's something worth keeping in mind.

--- End quote ---

Ive never had a beer, And I won't until I am of age.
But let us get back To the Beer flavored Trenchers of Bready Joy.

Would pita be a good substitute?

Aiden of Oreland:
I put some pita in the toaster oven and it made a pretty good trencher I must say. Nice thickness, sturdy, liquids won't soak through it. I simply took some pita bread and put it in the toaster oven at 400 degrees on bake. I had it in there for about ten minutes but you can have it in there as long as you think it should. But that was with bread about 7 inches in diameter and half an inch thick. Just need to find one that is about a foot in diameter. It still tastes good. I say that's the easy way to make a trencher if you want to cheat a bit. Works rather nicely.


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