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Medieval knights found in Scotland parking lot


Sir Nate:
I meant to post this a week ago, the day the paper was online. But I have been busy.
This is the second Medieval person's to be found under a parking lot.

Sir Douglas:
I wonder why the medievals insisted on burying so many people under parking lots. Hmmmmmm...... ;) One day, I hope someone digs me up and puts my bones in a museum.

Ever heard of the St. Bees Man — the well-preserved knight found in the early '80s? I don't know why, but this article reminded me of him for some reason.

Sir Nate:
How about King richard the 3rd which they found only a few months ago in England under a parking lot.
Your going to start seeing archeologists doing the stuff the ghostbusters did in GB 2.
gonna be pretty funny. Think of the stuff we will find.

Aiden of Oreland:
How about those Scotsmen they found in China. Chinese were not to fond too fond to find ancient scotsmen in their country. They won't let much about them get out. Well, just a wee bit of info lad, buts that all.


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