Main > The Armoury

Helmet Question

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--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-02-14, 20:30:40 ---So I tracked down some period art depicting the Crecy campaign. Are the helmets pictured the same as the photo?  Tough for me to determine for sure since period art can look a bit wonky.

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This artwork post-dates Crecy by 60 years.  It was painted in 1410!  While it does depict Edward III at Crecy, the armor and styles in the illumination are very late 14th / early 15th century.

Be very careful with period artwork.  What usually matters is when it was painted, not when it's subject took place.  Medieval artists tended to paint everything in the style of the present day, not the day in which the events of their paintings took place.

Long story short, those helmets in that painting are NOT appropriate for Crecy.

For informational purposes only, the helmets depicted in that panel from Froissart are more akin to this helmet.  It's in a style in between the true 'Great Bascinet' and the standard  Houndskull Bascinet in that it starts to round out the snout of the houndskull, but still incorporates a maille aventail instead of rigid throat defense:

Sir Wolf:
thats purdy

Sir Patrick:
That IS purdy!

Lord Dane:
I cannot wear a pigeon beak bascinet.


--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-02-15, 00:25:12 ---That IS purdy!

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It is (it's Jeff Wasson).  But did you catch the part about the paintings you linked being 60 years too late?  I don't want you to spend a bunch of money on a helmet style that's not correct if you're trying to stick to Crecy era.  ;)


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