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Helmet Question

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Sir Patrick:
I just can't bring myself to go with an open faced bascinet. It makes me think of those two English commanders at the Sterling battle in Braveheart. Besides, a visor or helm's eyeslits are way more menacing IMO ;)

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2014-02-13, 18:30:35 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-02-13, 18:12:45 ---Are you implying that an open-faced bascinet is not combat viable?

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SCA and ACL combat is what I meant...I misspoke :)

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I can't speak to ACL combat, but for the SCA I've seen quite a few awesome bascinets with houndskull visors, bascinets with round nose klappvisors, and kettle hats with well disguised bar grills and mail pseudo-coifs (essentially aventails).

1350-1370 was quite an exciting time for helmets!    :)

Sir Patrick:
So I tracked down some period art depicting the Crecy campaign. Are the helmets pictured the same as the photo?  Tough for me to determine for sure since period art can look a bit wonky.

Sir Wolf:
well, i believe the helmet is supposed to be the great bascinet rather than the klapvisor.

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-02-14, 20:46:51 ---well, i believe the helmet is supposed to be the great bascinet rather than the klapvisor.

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So you think it's this one? 


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