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I Want to be an 11th century Norman Knight

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Mike W.:
So I've come to a dilemma with the soft kit. Historic Enterprises has the Complete Anglo-Saxon Outfit: ( ) which comes with St. Louis Shirt, a Moselund-esque Tunic, Trousers, and Winingas and a bonus brooch. They also sell The 13th Century Package ( ) which comes with St. Louis Shirt, Braies, Wool Hose, and a bonus coif (all of which I could re-purpose for another kit), but I'd have to get the tunic and the winigas separately, which comes out to about $25 more. So the issue is would a Norman knight wear hose or trousers, a Moselund Tunic or a Skjoldehamn Tunic?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-02-10, 22:01:31 ---Painted helms was definitely not unusual during the run of the medieval period. Whether or not that practice ran as far back as the Norman Conquest, though, I can't say for sure.

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My suspicion is that helms were painted more often than not, when we're talking 11th - 13th centuries. It's an easy way to protect against rust, and make people identifiable on the field. We know it was done, it's just hard to find proof as to where on the spectrum it was, between "sometimes", "usually", or "always".

Sir William:

--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-11, 02:07:25 ---So I've come to a dilemma with the soft kit. Historic Enterprises has the Complete Anglo-Saxon Outfit: ( ) which comes with St. Louis Shirt, a Moselund-esque Tunic, Trousers, and Winingas and a bonus brooch. They also sell The 13th Century Package ( ) which comes with St. Louis Shirt, Braies, Wool Hose, and a bonus coif (all of which I could re-purpose for another kit), but I'd have to get the tunic and the winigas separately, which comes out to about $25 more. So the issue is would a Norman knight wear hose or trousers, a Moselund Tunic or a Skjoldehamn Tunic?

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Where in the 11th Century are you, portrayal-wise?  Is there a specific event or battle that you're aiming for?  If you mentioned it before, I apologize for missing it- knowing your time frame will help with choosing the right item to wear or display.  Since you specify 'Norman', I don't know that you'd wear Anglo-Saxon style a Norman your probable outlook would be one of subjugation; adopting local dress and customs wasn't something the Normans were known for.  I could be wrong, of course.

Mike W.:
I'm going for a typical Norman Knight as he would have appeared at the Battle of Hastings.

Sir William:
Then you definitely do not want the Anglo-Saxon package; might be worth reading up on the subject as it is your area of interest.  Since I haven't dabbled in that period I know little about it; my first interest was the Crusades which might be useful to you in that it started at the end of the 11th century so some of the garments may be appropriate for an earlier portrayal.

I've gotten some good info here: - a website dedicated to Anglo-Norman portrayals (also happens to have Elizabeth Chadwick as a card-carrying member); should give you a decent start.


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