Main > The Armoury
Ed's c.1250-1300 kit(s)
Sir Ulrich:
I'm using spray paint as well to paint mine as well Gonna use painters tape to make sure I can put the cross on. Don't know how to paint or draw so thats my only option.
Sir Edward:
Well, I ended up changing tactics a bit. The helm needed to start over, since the primer didn't stick (I didn't clean enough of the oil off). I sanded it all off, re-primed, and am now hand-brushing the black on.
The shield mostly did OK, but the paint flaked a little at the edges of where I masked the cross, and inside the cross a little. So now I'm going back over the sprays with brush-on paints there too.
I should have both ready for DoK.
Sir Ulrich:
Guess I'll have to use different paint then, though I dont have much time so it's running short.
Sir Edward:
I think the sprays are fine, you just have to make sure the surface is super-clean first.
Sir James A:
brake cleaner *might* work well for cleaning as long as it dries first
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