Main > The Armoury

Ed's c.1250-1300 kit(s)

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Sir Edward:

lol, it already has some blue in it from the chalk marks during the sewing.  :)

It's going to go under the riveted hauberk eventually, so I'm sure it'll be pretty grungy eventually. But for now it looks nice and pretty. I am tempted to fight in it on Friday.

Sir William:
Do it, Sir Edward.  It is as nice looking as its going to get, and considerably nicer looking than it soon will be.  ;)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-08-17, 13:00:59 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-08-17, 12:43:47 ---...Also, I do notice a distinct lack of green on it. Perhaps that can be taken care of at next Friday's event... :D
--- End quote ---

Hey thanks for reminding me that I need to get some green tape for my blade Sir James! Also does this mean you'll definitely be going next Friday?  :)

--- End quote ---

Absolutely! :D

Sir Patrick:
Looks great!

Sir William:
You guys get to have all the fun.  lol


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