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Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-19, 21:59:46 ---I've come to understand that while gambesons do indeed date to the 10th century, their use was not widely adopted until the 13th century. While no specific sources come to mind, I've seen most historians agree that gambesons are not widely depicted in pictorial sources until the 13th century. It is possible for them to have been used, just not probable.

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You might find it uncomfortable not to wear a gambeson. I have worn my butted without one and it killed my neck and shoulders. The belt can only relieve so much.

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-03-19, 22:10:11 ---thats just it, there are no sources for gamesons or aketons before the crusades. the site james barker had said the europeans looking at the sarasins wondering about their padded garments.

the roman version isn't padded, save maybe the shoulder area and there are no pics or surviving examples, we only have the writings.

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History can be so mysterious some times, but that's half the fun.

Mike W.:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-20, 00:44:03 ---You might find it uncomfortable not to wear a gambeson.

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We wouldn't be in this hobby if we were concerned about being comfortable.

Sir William:
There's no might about it, it will be uncomfortable.  As it is a hobby, one might become less enthusiastic about it if pain becomes something that must be considered for each outing.  I'm just speaking from personal experience here.

Mike W.:
I've been to the hospital twice due to reenacting. It just takes dedication to history!!!
(At least we don't go so far as to have period correct dysentery).

Sir William:
I hear you.  That sort of brings to mind a particular jousting re-enactor who was of the mind that you hadn't really participated until you were sporting numerous 'armor bites' (his were due to ill-fitting armor not made specifically for him); I think dedication levels differ with the individual and it should be the goal that hospital visits be kept to a minimum for what we term a hobby.  That said, you can be as armored as you like and still suffer injury- it does happen.

But we're talking about personal comfort- and I still see no reason to go w/out a gambeson simply because it wasn't in widespread use at the time; that it can be traced back that far is good enough for me.  Obviously, ymmv.


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