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Sir Wolf's late 13thc kit

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Sir Wolf:
just showing a lil update. this will be the marker for this kit.  you all know about the new great helmet. here is the mail hauberk and the mittens for it.  the shirt is a 3/8s inch ring, 16 guage mild steel.  the shirt had 1/2 to 3/4 tube type sleeves.  the sleeves required tapering and lengthing. i have gotten the one side done and started on the other side tapered to were I have to start adding the length.  once the sleeves match I have to make the mail for the mittens and sew it on, and then attach them to the sleeve cuffs.  then I need to prob add 6 inches to the length of the shirt and put the front and back splits into it. then it'll be done and thus will start the mail greave portion... sigh.  anywho, heres few pictures. i don't have a starter pic, but you can look at the Museum Replicas mail shirt and see what it looked like.  I did not notice till I started tapering the sleeves that they are a 45 degree sleeve rather than a straight T sleeve. pretty cool.  If Sir Edward remembers the Red Rwarf 45 degree, we could never quite get our arms to move high enough in those. :)

pics are clicky

the mittens are leather mittens from Tractor Supply. They had some stuffing in them, so I ripped that out.  They were also rather large and had extra material that got in the way when gripping a sword. So i turned them inside out, had the wife mark the edges of my hand, and re sewed them up. then i cut off the excess and turned them right side out. I got the left hand a little tight but it will be ok I think.  I can grip the sword nicely with it too.  I will sew the mail to the top side of them leaving a little bit of extra in teh rows so the hand can move properly and not pull the stitching of the mail.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, the angle on the sleeves on this is FAR BETTER than Red's 45-degree sleeves. Those were crazy. The seam between the mail patterns went up at a 45-degree angle through the chest and shoulder, making it difficult to change. At least on this, it's more like a regular tube sleeve, attached on a curved shoulder/armpit like a shirt.

Looks pretty snazzy Sir Wolf! :)

Sir Brian:
Hand sewn leather...OUCH my hands are having sympathy pains!  ;)

Great idea with the mittens though! Can't wait to see them all finished!  :)

Sir Wolf:
list making for myself to do yet:

gotta put a liner in my helmet
make a mantle etc
make new surcoat
clean hauberk
add mittens
first order the mittens you dummy
paint shield
take leather knees off padded chausis
add point holes to chausis
clean up soup can knees and add point holes
fix greaves.


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