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Did Knights eat healthy?


Sir Nate:
I just Thought Today, That Back in the middle ages they may not have had all the processed stuff in food we have to day, but they didn't have the food pyramid either. Yes There are people like Henry the 8th. But What about Knights? Did Alot of Exercise Really make up for The way they ate? This isn't my area of Expertise. Were most knights In good Physic? Or were most unhealthy? Now there is the fact that knights Were usually pretty big, probably because they exercised a lot and had a lot of protein in there diet.
But were Most of this stature, Or were they more on the King henry side?

Sir Edward:

Actually they tended to eat very well.

Even the commoners/peasants ate pretty well, with a wide range of fruits, vegetables, fish, cheese, dairy. Meat (pork, beef, chicken, etc) would be less frequent for the lower classes, since those animals were worth a lot more alive, and tended to be eaten when they were older or injured.

Knights were much wealthier. Depending on the century, they were either below nobility, or were in the nobility. They would have access to meats more readily, and often hunted for sport.

Knights also tended to be in great physical condition, unless they were older/retired. Those who were actively functioning as knights, would practice daily. There's one written account that suggests running a few miles in your armor every day to help stay in shape.

Sir James A:
As Sir Edward said, most knights had the finances to eat well, and did. It takes a lot of energy to be in armor for an extended time; even moreso to fight in it when your life literally depends upon it!

From the historical text "How a Man Shall Be Armed" covers what a knight would eat before fighting on foot at tournament:

Also vi loaves of bread
Also ii gallons of wine.
Also a mess of meaty flesh or fish

Converting from roman numbers, that's 6 loaves of bread, 2 gallons of wine, and I'm not sure what a "mess of meaty flesh" is, but it sounds like a party to me. And keep in mind that wasn't usually a battle where they expected to die; they were having fun (and earning money, of course).

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-01-19, 22:41:16 ---
 There's one written account that suggests running a few miles in your armor every day to help stay in shape.

--- End quote ---

Yes there is a mike loades (going medieval episode) That Talks about the knights and how they might run up to 5 miles in there maille hauberk.
Ive actually started doing push ups and sit ups in my armor. It is An experience...

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2014-01-20, 20:20:27 ---As Sir Edward said, most knights had the finances to eat well, and did. It takes a lot of energy to be in armor for an extended time; even moreso to fight in it when your life literally depends upon it!

From the historical text "How a Man Shall Be Armed" covers what a knight would eat before fighting on foot at tournament:

Also vi loaves of bread
Also ii gallons of wine.
Also a mess of meaty flesh or fish

--- End quote ---

Converting from roman numbers, that's 6 loaves of bread, 2 gallons of wine, and I'm not sure what a "mess of meaty flesh" is, but it sounds like a party to me. And keep in mind that wasn't usually a battle where they expected to die; they were having fun (and earning money, of course).
Lots of protein!
both you and sir edward both provided great examples on how knights, or even most people were back then. I now have a better picture of what they were life might have been like back then. Thank you Both!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir James, that truly does sound like a party lol. Although 2 gallons of wine?  :o I wonder if that was more for "dutch courage" although I would be on my back after 1 liter of modern wine ha ha.

Yes I think in general people would have been fitter as their diet was made up of more healthy food stuffs. Also everything they did was very physical, They didn`t have power tools and all the machinery that we depend on without realizing it today. But disease was rife and they didn`t have the facilities to combat the types of bacteria and micro organisms that we discount today. There was also an awful lot of violence and it was used to sort out many issues from personal disputes to full blown war. Therefore a medieval persons life expectancy was extremely short compared to a modern persons.


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