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Heraldry design help

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Sir Wolf:
now paint it to a shield and post a picture.

or you get banned

Sir Rodney:
The basic idea was to easily identify others on the field of combat.  I believe you’ve achieved that with bold colors, field, and the eight trefoils arranged nicely.

Does the number eight have any special significance for you?  Is there sly blazoning in there somewhere or canting of arms?

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-01-15, 20:58:12 ---now paint it to a shield and post a picture.

or you get banned

--- End quote ---

Remember sir clarkenson Timothy?

Sir Douglas:
I rather like it. It's flashy, yet somehow it works. For me, anyway. I have this mental image of a tournament kit with those colors and a crab crest on a tilting helm with this majestic streaming mantle, as well as a horse decked out in matching caparison. It's quite a splendid sight. :)

Sir Nate:
I wonder. In many pics I see people using gambesons as normal wear.  With the right other accessories, could a gambeson pass if it were used as part of a civilian kit?


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