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Heraldry choice

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Humphrey on 2014-01-07, 04:17:27 ---I'll be painting a shield soon and making a surcoat.  I see many folks here design their own heraldry devices.  Is there any ethical reason I can't use one of my ancestrial coat of arms as a basis for my sheild design?  This is will be for living history purposes, I'm not in the SCA or similar organization.  I thinking Beaumont, Courtenay or de Bohun.

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The only ethical concern is if you attempt to use it in a modern context. That is, claiming that you have a hereditary right to it, when the likelihood is that you don't (the rules about this can be very complicated, and just having a blood-tie isn't necessarily enough). For this, you'd have to get the appropriate institution to give you documentation supporting it.

Most of the members here have invented their own from scratch, and some have used ancestral arms as a basis for it. For our purposes you can pretty much do what you want. :) 

As Ian said though, sometimes the arms can be out of period for the impression you're doing. For instance, 12th/13th century arms tended to be rather simple, with mostly geometric charges rather than complex beasts, or just a single complex charge. There was an explosion of complexity in the 14th century, just like the armor.

Don Jorge:
What type of canvas and paint are you using to paint your shield? I just got a heater shield made out of wood for SCA and the wife and I are excited to come up with my 14th century heraldry, get it approved and paint it!

Sir Humphrey:

I bought one of these used.  I'll be repainting it.


Always thought the de Bohun was very beautiful  but I have always wondered why the white, blue and gold strip wasn't made a little narrower so that the three lions on each side could like up side by side in the same manner as the three on the bottom.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Timothy on 2014-01-07, 18:28:16 ---Hi,

Always thought the de Bohun was very beautiful  but I have always wondered why the white, blue and gold strip wasn't made a little narrower so that the three lions on each side could like up side by side in the same manner as the three on the bottom.

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That's a good question. My best guess is that since the "bend" is usually rather wide in standard practice, they just accommodated the space left over. The blazon probably just mentions three lions on each side, but the positioning is just an artifact of the escutcheon shape. But like I said, it's just a "best guess".


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